Become a BCSS Member

Membership is free! Join today to become a member of the BCSS community.

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Benefits of joining our membership community

BC Schizophrenia Society Members help us support families living with severe and persistent mental illnesses across British Columbia. Become a member today for the many benefits that come with being part of the BCSS community.

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    Exclusive Access

    Member only events highlighting the latest developments and information on schizophrenia spectrum disorders.

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    Make a Difference

    Help us maintain our Not-for-Profit status and make a difference in the lives of BC families.

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    Vote at our AGM

    The right to vote at the upcoming AGM and the chance to share your opinion as an integral part of BCSS.

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    Share your story

    An opportunity to share your story on the BCSS website. Inspire families and let them know they are not alone.

Join the free membership community today