These are troubling days when people are unable to imagine what tomorrow will look like. At the BC Schizophrenia Society, this is often made worse as many of the people we support are supporting loved ones themselves and helping them manage their thoughts and feelings in addition to their own.

During this time, BC Schizophrenia Society Regional Educators are still actively helping families online and by phone. We’re looking at new ways to get information and education to those who need us the most during this especially difficult time. If you need help in supporting a family member or friend who is living with schizophrenia or another persistent mental illness, please email or call 1-888-888-0029 to reach a local Regional Educator near you. We are here for you.

In addition to this, we’ll be trying to keep the following list of resources updated on a weekly basis. These are resources and information from our partner organizations and other schizophrenia societies across Canada that we think are particularly useful for anyone affected by schizophrenia or other serious mental illness.

Useful Tips & Strategies to Manage Mental Health & Mental Illness

Some of these tips and strategies may be useful for families, caregivers, and people living with schizophrenia or other serious mental illnesses to do together.

Resources & More Information

During this time, it is crucial to stay in contact, consult, and work with your healthcare provider and/or mental health teams to manage a person’s continuation of care.

Here are some useful information and resources on how the healthcare system is adapting to the current situation:

For current information on the provincial response, please visit the BC Ministry of Health and BC Centre for Disease Control.

For current information on what is happening in your local Health Authority, please visit the website for your local Health Authority.

(Updated: Friday, October 16, 2020)