Cannabis and Psychosis – A Brief Guide
A handout recently developed by the B.C. Early Psychosis Advanced Practice Program and given to caregivers that summarizes the current research.
HeretoHelp Fact Sheet on Cannabis and Psychosis
A fact sheet on cannabis and psychosis provided by the BC Partners for Mental Health and Substance Use Information, a group of non-profit agencies providing good-quality information to help individuals and families maintain or improve their mental well-being.
HeretoHelp Brochure on Safer Cannabis Use
A brochure on safer cannabis developed by the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research who is a member of the BC Partners for Mental Health and Substance Use Information.
World Health Organization Management of Substance Abuse-Cannabis
A fact sheet done by the World Health Organization on the management of substance abuse and cannabis.
HeretoHelp Brochure Learn About Cannabis
A brochure to teach people about cannabis. It was created by the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research in partnership with HeretoHelp and funded by the Provincial Health Services Authority.