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Walk Or Run For BCSS In The 2018 ScotiaRun

June 24, 2018

Help make this year a success! We are looking for walkers and runners to join the BCSS Stigma Stompers Team at the 2018 ScotiaRun!  


Looking for a low impact way to support B.C. Schizophrenia Society? Or needing a reason to get in shape? Sign up to walk or run for schizophrenia!

What? Walk or run 5k or a half-marathon and fundraise for BCSS’ life-saving programs
Why? To raise money for programs supporting families affected by schizophrenia and other serious persistent mental illness
When? ScotiaRun will be happening Sunday, June 24, 2018, but sign up today to secure a spot and start your fundraising.
How? Contact Cynthia at: philanthropy@bcss.org or 604-270-7841 for instructions, or click here for the step by step guide

As an Join B.C. Schizophrenia Society on Sunday, June 24, 2018, at this year’s Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon and 5K Charity Challenge. We are excited to be an Official Charity in the Scotiabank Charity Challenge, a program developed to celebrate and support community organizations through fundraising support. In an effort to prepare for this fantastic opportunity, we are building a dynamic, energetic and celebratory BCSS Team of enthusiastic volunteers and runners.

Why do you run?

“I run because I adore my son, and I feel like he is lost to me right now. I run because of the pain, distress and distrust I see in his eyes every day. I run because I want soRace Day 4mebody to figure this disorder out and tell me what I can do to help him. I run because I want everyone to know about schizophrenia and what it is like to live with it, so they will have compassion and patience with those that do. I run because I want my son back, and there isn’t a whole lot else I can do other than wait and show love and support. I run to raise awareness and funds.

In his mid-teens [my son’s] personality started changing; he was very depressed, he started cutting classes and self-medicating. At 20 years old he was finally diagnosed with schizophrenia and we started our journey into the world of mental illness. Like so many before us we didn’t even know where to start, but have been lucky that we were able to attend some education sessions and have formed a network of support. We rely on groups like the BCSS for information and professional support.

So why run? Because I don’t want anyone to be afraid to tell someone else they are sick or their loved one is sick because they are afraid of a reaction based on ignorance. Because I would like research to be funded so that my beautiful son will one day come back to me. Recovery is possible, and expected but a lot of help is required.”

  • Guelda Redman, mother and runner for Team BCSS

Walkers and runners who are able to raise a minimum of $200 will be refunded their registration fees. When you register as a member of the BCSS Stigma Stompers we will help you raise funds and awareness on behalf of the 1 in 100 individuals in B.C. (48,000 people) and their 24/7 caregivers who are challenged daily by the world’s most prevalent and devastating brain disease.

Come help us make this event an outstanding success.

If you would like to participate, join the committee to help support this event or if you have any questions, please contact Cynthia at 604-270-7841 or email philanthropy@bcss.org.


June 24, 2018